Monday, January 6, 2014

Let it Snow!

As I sit here typing today, we are currently experiencing a Wind Chill advisory.  The temperature outside is -17 and with the wind chill is -44 degrees.  My winter break was extended another day as it is too cold to go outside safely.  The wind chill advisory goes until noon tomorrow.

Since last time, we have celebrated our Christmas, enjoyed winter break and Mommy has taken up a new hobby.  We have also all had colds, and Finley her first ear infection :(

Our Christmas tree-this was pre-ornaments

Of course, Finley was fascinated by the lights and tree.  She would take just her pointer finger and touch the branches and lights.  It was so cute.

After our first big snow, Bill and Max were out shoveling so I decided to bundle Finley up in her snowsuit and get a picture of her in the snow.  She actually didn't seem to mind one bit.  And looks so cute in her puffy pink snowsuit.

We took a trip to the mall and Max saw the train that you can ride.  He was so insistent on riding.  In past experiences, he says he wants to ride something and then we go through the hassle of buying a ticket, or taking out cash and then he freaks out when its time to get on.  He surprised both of us when he jumped right into the green freight car (his choice) and LOVED every minute of the ride.  I rode with him and he didn't stop smiling the entire ride.  He waved to everyone in the mall as we went around the entire upper level.  It was the best $7 we spent that day!  

On the 21st, the kids and I packed up the van and headed to Streator for the beginning of our Christmas festivities.  The first was the Robert's side christmas party.   Max had a blast running around and playing with the boys.  The kids were both so spoiled with lots of toys.

We drove home Christmas day and had to see what Santa left while we were gone.  Max got a tool box full of tools among other gifts.

Finley actually got into ripping the paper.  She got a doll stroller that doubles a walker .  We just put it together yesterday and I think we are going to see her start cruising with it soon!

Tools in action!

Max with all of his gifts.

Finley with all of her gifts.


Up on two feet!

Lots of SNOW!!!!!

Smiling after being sick for a week!

Eating eggs and toast for the first time.

We also celebrated Christmas eve with my parents and family.  This year we were at my parents house.   Bill met us on Christmas eve in Streator.  We then came home Christmas day and unpacked, opened more gifts and went to Bill's sister, Liz's house for dinner.   All in all it was a great Christmas spent with family and friends.

New years was very uneventful.  We spent the night in.  We had taco bell for dinner :) and I think we watched a movie.

The last two weeks have seemed like a month.  I have enjoyed the time home with my kids, and visits with family.  I am sad to go back to work, but also looking forward to dissecting the earthworm when we get back!  Now if only the weather would warm up.  I think we are going to have spring fever much sooner this year, since the cold seemed to hit us early.

Alot of my pictures that you didn't see were on my other camera, and aren't downloaded yet.  We also had pictures taken by my best friend since 8th grade, Tiffany Park.  Here is the link to her blog with some of our photos that she took.  I wanted to capture Finley in her Christmas dress and a few with Max as well.  Then we did some of just Finley in the cutest little sweater dress and leg warmers!

Finley is 10 months old today!  Time has passed so quickly and I'm sure by the next time I post, we will be close to having her 1st birthday party!  Look forward to plenty of PINK!!!!!

I think we are up to speed!  I'm going to go warm up with some coffee:)  Until next time...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Time flies when you're having fun!

I knew it had been awhile since my last post, but I didn't think it had been THIS long!  So sorry for the absence, even though I'm sure no one really noticed!  So I guess I need to catch everyone up to speed....I'll start back in September.

Labor day weekend the kids and I went home to Streator.  My sister had a birthday party for Aiden and Logan on Saturday afternoon, then we headed up to the annual Cruise Night on Main St.  Max was not a fan of the loud cars, but really liked the flame throwers.  Needless to say someone had to carry him the entire time!  Since it was only me, my mom and dad, that left someone to push Finley in the stroller and lets just say dad didn't do either!

On Sunday we went to the Labor day parade.  We had heard that the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile was to make an appearance at Cruise Night the night before, however, it turned out that the Weinermobile was at the end of the parade!  Quite the site to see!

We went back to mom's house and later got a phone call that the Weinermobile was sitting out at the K of C's.  So my sister and I threw the boys into the cars (Finley was asleep), and headed out.  We pulled up and there was not even a crowd!  We walked right up, got to go inside, walk around, got a few whistles, keychains, coupons and lots of pictures!  So fun :)
Max, Logan and Aiden with the Weinermobile.
Inside the Weinermobile.
Fast forward a bit and we ended September with a lot of nice weather days playing outside, Finley started eating more solid and finger foods, she also started pushing up on her arms, and sitting up by herself!

October began with Max's birthday!  Three years baby is now a big boy.  I truly got a bit emotional this birthday.  He really isn't a baby and more grown up.  As each year passes, I don't know how I am going to handle it....I already get teary eyed thinking about him going off to school for the first time without me :(

This year his birthday theme was Thomas the Train and friends.  Here are a few pics of birthday celebrations!

Opening his birthday package from Nana.  Sissy is watching so patiently! 
Left is Max only a few days old.  Remember he was 6 weeks early!  And Right was the morning of his birthday!  How crazy the picture shows his features much as they are today!

His present from mommy and daddy, a Thomas tent!  He was so excited!

Two more of his favorite gifts from his party-a giant huskie pillow pet from Mimi and his remote control Thomas from the Coltman's.

We have started a tradition of going to the Stade's pumpkin patch the weekend of Max's birthday.  This year was extra special since it was also Finley's first trip!  Of course, Finley had to have a special pumpkin outfit with matching hair accessory.  Max was a little more adventurous than our past trips, but still wouldn't ride the ponies and practically had to be forced to ride the barrel train.

I had more pictures, but they were on my other camera.  It was quite cold that day, however I don't think Max would ever say he was cold!  We also enjoyed the petting zoo, the barrel train ride, the slides, climbing in a converted tractor and getting some fresh kettle corn!  I hope to continue this tradition for years to come.
The rest of October included a day of playing in the leaves,  my birthday and Halloween.  Just like the previous years, I was determined to make both of the kids costumes.  When we first started talking about what Max wanted to be, he would say Stuffy from Doc McStuffins.  I knew that would be a hard task, but was up for the challenge.  So it was only fitting then that Finley would be Lambie from the show.  Well after a few weeks had passed, Max changed his mind that he wanted to be Jake the Neverland pirate.  I was kind of relieved, because I knew this was going to be much easier!  I still decided to keep Finley's costume a lamb.  I always end up working til the last minute and this year was no exception, however, I was really pleased with the costumes and everyone loved them!  

I didn't get a picture of Finley on my phone on Halloween, but this was when we tried the costume on.  She wore white fleece pants and a cream colored onesie under this.  

Max's shirt said, "Will trade sister for candy!"

By the end of the month, Finley was much more mobile and army crawling around.  We also were able to start putting her hair up in a little pony on top of her head.  

November started out with some piggy tails!  Mommy was so excited!

And on the 11th we had our first snow!  Max jumped right out of the car, grabbed the shovel in the garage and started shoveling!  We got him some snow boots so when the real snow falls he will be ready to go!

Finishing out the are some pictures from the end of November, including Thanksgiving!

eating tortellini, carrots and bananas.

wearing tights and a dress....just because!

My little turkey and his hat we made!

Thanksgiving at Grammies house

Our Christmas tree was put up before we went to Nana's house for Thanksgiving.  This is the earliest it has been up that I remember.  I think this year Max is going to really get into the "magic" of Christmas and I know Finley is going to be getting into everything!  Christmas will be a blast!

Our elf, James, appeared on December 1st.  This year Max was able to name him himself.  I am only guessing that the name James came from the engine on Thomas named James. 

Well that get's us up to speed!  Hopefully I can keep up from here and not get three months behind again!  If you made it this far.....well I hope you don't wish you had that time back :)  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Potty training and teething....piece of cake!

In the last two weeks since I have posted, there have been lots of happenings going on in the Ersler house!

To start, about two weeks before I went back to school, Max decided he was ready to start potty training and wearing big boy underwear!  I had wanted to do this all summer, but he never seemed interested.  So of course, I got nervous and was worried that this was such bad timing with him going back to Mimi's house (our sitter) and how me going back to work was going to affect any progress we would make in the next two weeks.  Well little did I know he was going to surprise us all!

We started on a Friday and by Monday Max was telling me every time he had to go pee on the potty!  Going #2 was still a work in progress, but I never expected it to be as easy as it was.  The first three days were a little brutal.  Accidents and just struggling to get him to sit and try to go after naps was not fun.  Day four you could tell it had just "clicked" with him.  I was so relieved!  We made a big deal out of every time he went and his reward for going was mini M&M's.  We tried a sticker chart and he didn't really care much for the stickers.  M&M's work like a charm!

After finally seeing that there was no turning back, I went ahead and ordered him some new big boy underwear with all of his favorite characters: Mickey, Jake, and Toy Story.  He already had Thomas ones from Nana that he got for his second birthday.  We surprised Max with the underwear one night after Daddy got home from work.  Here are some pictures during our potty training adventure.

Typical boy...mowing the grass in his underwear and fireman boots!

This day we told Max if he did #2 on the potty he would get a sucker!
So upon my return to work, Max has continued to do well with the potty, even at Mimi's house!  He is, I think, 4 for 4 going #2 at her house and is getting better at doing it at home.  We are still working on getting him to pull down/up his own shorts and underwear but I can imagine that is a work in progress with most kids this age.  Max even told Daddy at Target the other night that he had to go pee!  Daddy had to pick Max up and run all the way across the store to get to the potty in time!  Don't worry, they made it and Max did what he was suppose to do!  

The next exciting milestone that has hit our house is that Finley has her first tooth!  I had no idea, other than some drooling and that she is always putting things in her mouth, but what baby doesn't do that!?!?  So I picked her up from Mimi's house last week and she told me how Finley was really fussy and that she felt her gums and low and behold felt a tooth!  I had literally just felt her gums the night before because I knew that any day now she would be getting some teeth, and I felt nothing!  I have only been able to get a very quick glimpse of it, so I don't have any pictures of her tooth.  

Next week Finley turns the big six months old and we will start some new foods!  I just made up a batch of sweet potatoes tonight.  Those will be her first taste of "real" food.  I can't wait to see her reaction!

Here are some recent pictures of my "pretty girl" as we call her!

She is going to be crawling before we know it!  She is already rolling from front to back and back to front with no problems!  She can push her arms straight up while on her belly and will move all around the floor already.  Max isn't going to know what to do once sister is crawling and getting into all of his things!

Until next time.....